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Greg Cruttwell’s documentary doesn’t have any scandolous revelations, but it’s a whisteblowing file in a different sense. It spends time with various men and women who serve as referees in low-level football matches in England. Some are conventional types; others are perhaps a bit more surprising: we meet a spry gent in his seventies and a trans woman. The film is partly about football, of course, but more generally it celebrates the pleasures of being part of a community and having a pastime you love.



Filmed during the 2019-20 amateur-football season, which was curtailed by the pandemic, this engaging fly-on-the-wall documentary gives voice to non-professional referees. Actor turned-director Greg Cruttwell explores the motivations and experiences of these individuals, who suffer verbal and sometimes physical abuse from players and spectators alike. Among the diverse interviewees are septuagenarian churchgoer Ron, transgender taxi driver Lucy and Jamaican teacher Anne Marie. Despite their on-pitch struggles, there’s a real sense of the pride and passion they invest in refereeing.



A ‘footie film’ may not fill you with enthusiasm, you’re thinking ‘under-dogs pull their fingers out and bag the cup’ type scenario. But this is different, it’s … charming? It’s a documentary, clearly made with love; love for the people interviewed and for the game. A love I do not feel, I’ll be frank. I spent countless Sundays traipsing out to far-flung and well-hidden Surrey League playing fields in all weathers for my son’s footie team. And watching his games brought out the worst in most people. Ok they brought out the worst in me. But how CAN you stand there dispassionately and let life play out. You scream at the fouls, groan at the missed opps, and, yell at the ref, yes. Well that’s the old me. Whoever watches this beautiful film will NEVER ref-bait again. It’s a super-touching documentary about a handful of weather-beaten refs whose mettle has been tested a thousand thousand times, by players and parents, parents especially, but they just can’t give up for love of the sport.

They come in all shapes, sizes, colours and persuasions. And they get grief for it, but they rise above. They get verbally abused often and although they have recourse to yellow and red cards, use them rarely. One was proud to say he had never sent anyone off in 40 years, he told them to fuck off instead. It’s laugh out loud delicious.

The Producer, Greg Cruttwell is deep in football himself, Balham FC to be precise, so these refs from the Surrey League must have screamed ‘material!’ Their machine-gun wit contrasts sharply with the hot-headed confrontations on the pitch, which is why they do such a great job. You need steel to ref well, nobody wants a softie.

Go see. Defo.